Reading Profile

Like many, I was an avid reader as a child and into adolescence, with memorable favorites including the Percy Jackson, Septimus Heap, and Hunger Games series as well as The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale and The Hobbit. Once I reached high school, however, most of my time spent reading was for part of the curriculum, rather than books of my choosing, due in part to time constraints as well as medical restrictions. This continued through my undergraduate studies (where I thankfully took several literature electives), as well as my first year in this program, adjusting to an “adult” schedule. With that said, I thoroughly enjoyed several of my required readings over the years, featuring classics like A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, The Metamorphosis, and The Great Gatsby. My go-to favorite book outside of these is The Martian by Andy Weir, which I have revisited several times.

Since my adult reading habits to this point have been fairly limited, I would not say that I am strictly dedicated to any one genre, though I tend to pursue science fiction recommendations more than anything else. There are several genres (such as horror or romance) and formats (like graphic novels) that I have little personal experience with, but I am open to new reads and experiences. I am looking forward to stepping into a few new genres over the course of this semester! This semester I am taking this class alongside Materials for Youth, so I am working my way through that course’s readings while also listening to Jeannette McCurdy’s I’m Glad My Mom Died in my free time.

The content from this week (the Readers’ Advisory Interview Training video, for one) discussed the steps and basic methods to advise patrons towards materials they might have an interest in. Even just a few weeks into this course, I can see the importance of not only understanding the elements of reading appeal but also having knowledge and experiences of many books and genres to pull from when working to discern what might appeal to a specific patron. I intend for this semester’s courses to push me back into regular reading so that I will be better equipped in this aspect of my future career. Happy reading, everyone!


  1. Hi Maddie, have you read any other titles by Andy Weir? The Martian is the only one I haven't read because I saw the movie first. Enough time has passed that I would probably enjoy reading it now! My favorite of his is Project Hail Mary. When you have time, I would recommend it! I hope you find time and enjoy getting back into reading in general!

  2. Hi Maddie,
    I'd like to read more science fiction this year, so that is one of the genres I picked. I've always been interested in reading Andy Weir, so maybe I'll give that a try. I'm very much a mood reader, so we will see what I end up with during science fiction week!

    I listened to Jeanette McCurdy's audiobook and it was difficult to listen to, but the audio was a great experience.

  3. Excellent reading profile! I too love The Martian and have revisited it several times. Great writing!

  4. Hi Maddie!

    A lot of our reading tastes are the same, but there are also some big differences. I have added some of the titles that I have either blatantly avoided (The Martian) or am not aware of to my recommendations folder. I love trying out new reads once I have heard good things about them or if the description initially intrigues me. I am especially curious about your love for The Martian. What makes you enjoy the novel so much?


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