Week 3 Prompt Response
1. I am looking for a book by Laurell K. Hamilton. I just read the third book in the Anita Blake series and I can’t figure out which one comes next! The Lunatic Café is the fourth book in the series. I searched for the author, Laurell K. Hamilton and selected the “series” tab where I found the Anita Blake: vampire hunter series. Novelist lists The Lunatic Café as the fourth in the series. What have I read recently? Well, I just finished this great book by Barbara Kingsolver, Prodigal Summer. I really liked the way it was written, you know, the way she used language. I wouldn't mind something a bit faster paced though. You may enjoy other books by Barbara Kingsolver, like Flight Behavior (also described as a lush, richly detailed green read) or a similar read, Maja Lunde’s “The History of Bees”, an engaging, thought provoking green read focused on nature’s future and history. I utilized the read-alikes page (searching for an engaging or fast paced option), as well as the original au...