Week 15 Prompt: Promotion
The promotion of library resources and materials can be a difficult challenge to tackle. I believe it is important to assess the needs and wants of the community/demographic that you intend to target. One group that I believe it would be worthwhile to target is not necessarily an age group, but rather the people who utilize streaming and subscription-based media services. Where subscriptions to media services like Netflix, Kindle Unlimited, Audible, etc. may have once been considered to be money savers (compared to cable at least), the quantity of those services is only increasing. I believe that libraries could work with this concept and lean into the promotion of the “freeness” of library materials; if more people knew that the same books, audiobooks, and other materials that they pay a subscription for could be accessed for free through their local library, they may be more inclined to get a card or check out library offerings. This would serve to promote all kinds of library materi...